Figure 2.1.1 summarizes the types of sensors now used or being developed in remote sensing. It is expected that some new types of sensors will be developed in the future. Passive sensors detect the reflected or emitted electro-magnetic radiation from natural sources, while active sensors detect reflected responses from objects which are irradiated from artificially generated energy sources, such as radar.. Each is divided further in to non-scanning and scanning systems.
A sensor classified as a combination of passive, non-scanning and non-imaging method is a type of profile recorder, for example a microwave radiometer. A sensor classified as passive, non-scanning and imaging method, is a camera, such as an aerial survey camera or a space camera, for example on board the Russian COSMOS satellite.
Sensors classified as a combination of passive, scanning and imaging are classified further into image plane scanning sensors, such as TV cameras and solid state scanners, and object plane scanning sensors, such as multispectral scanners (optical-mechanical scanner) and scanning microwave radiometers.
An example of an active, non-scanning and non-imaging sensor is a profile recorder such as a laser spectrometer and laser altimeter. An active, scanning and imaging sensor is a radar, for example synthetic aperture radar (SAR), which can produce high resolution, imagery, day or night, even under cloud cover.
The most popular sensors used in remote sensing are the camera, solid state scanner, such as the CCD (charge coupled device) images, the multi-spectral scanner and in the future the passive synthetic aperture radar.
Laser sensors have recently begun to be used more frequently for monitoring air pollution by laser spectrometers and for measurement of distance by laser altimeters.
Figure 2.1.2 shows the most common sensors and their spectral bands.
Those sensors which use lenses in the visible and reflective infrared region, are called optical sensors.
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