du_id = Size
title = ::: Admin's Tool :::
create_newboard = Create new board
new_id = ID
new_name = Title
new_pwd = Password
create_btn = Create
blank_id = Please enter ID for new board.
blank_grp_id = Please enter Group ID for new board.
blank_name = Please enter Title for new board.
blank_grp_title = Please enter Group Title.
blank_pwd = Please enter password for new board.
only_english = ID can be alphanumeric and '-','_' only.
no = ¨Ú
id_name = ID
sort_id = Sort by ID
sort_title = Sort by Title
sort_date = Sort by Date
info = Title
date = Date of Creation
conf = Config
view = View
cnt_view = Counter
recover = Recovery
remove = Delete
confirm = Do you want to delete? Once it's deleted, recovery won't be available.
mem_remove = Delete member information?
bad_mem_remove = IP, Website, Email, the numbers will be on black list.\nDo you want to add this member on black list?
common_conf = ::: Common Configuration :::
mng_mem = ::: Maintain Members :::
default_conf = ::: Default Setting :::
chk_new = ::: Check new version :::
use_mailer = Enable internal mailer
btn_board_grp = Group Board Configuration
opt_board_grp = Set Board Group
sendmail = Enable sendmail
smtp = Enable smtp
img_url = Image URL
bad_ip = Bad IP
oneline = (Register one for one line)
bad_ip_info = Please enter IP to block.
bad_word = Forbidden Words
bad_word_info = Please enter forbidden words.
(eg. Idiot)
use_ok_addr = Enable block illegal Link
ok_addr_info = Please enter IP and URL
to allow access.
(eg. www.spboad.com)
lang = Language Setting
font_face = Font
admin_pwd = Change Admin Password
pwd_confirm = Submit
pwd_info = *Previous password will be used, when this field is empty.
submit = ::: S A V E :::
common_up = Common input for top HTML tag
common_down = Common input for bottom HTML tag
conf_success = Setting completed.
This window will be closed automatically in 3 sec.
mem_info = ::: Member Setting :::
sendding = ::: Mailing System is running :::
send_msg = mail(s) sent.
close_win = Close window
title_chk_grp = Select Group to send mail
no_del_basic = Unable to delete basic member group ID.
select_grp_title = Select Group title
title_mem_grp = ::: Member Group Setting Configuration :::
title_board_grp = ::: Board Group Setting Configuration :::
move_grp_data = Member information will be transfer to selected group from deleted group.
submit_del_grp = Submit
msg_move_grp = Moving Member Group
update_grp_id = Add Group
btn_plus_list_grp = Add
grp_name_update = Update Group Title, Group Icon
list_grp = View Group List Board ID
input_html = Group top and bottom common HTML tag input
title_input_html = Group Title HTML tag
title_list_grp = Setting for Board that will included in Group
sel_board = Select Board
sub_grp_list = Board ID - Title
blank_board_grp = There is no board group.
blank_list_grp = There is no board created.
du_total = * SPBOARD directory total size
grp_icon = Group Icon
info_grp_icon = * gif file only for Group Icon.
* You can also change as ID.gif under the directory /member/grp_icon/
*Please click Reload to view new group icon.
del_grp_icon = Delete Group Icon
board_grp_name_update = Update Group Title
common_up_file = Top input file
common_down_file = Bottom input file
info_up_down_file = Please enter server path for Top and Bottom input file.
eg../id/my_up.htm Or /usr/home/my_up.htm
msg_reload = Reload
opt_theme = Theme Option
use_theme = Enable Theme
sel_theme = Select Theme Skin