bad_script = For security reason, you can not use .cookie character in HTML mode.
include_bad_script = The doc includes .cookie character.\n\nFor security reason, cookie character gets erased in HTML mode.
same_name = already exists.
Change name and try again.
file_size = Upload is over the limit.
Limitation MB.
screen_size = Screenshot upload is over the limit.
Limitation KB.
no_img = Screenshot file only
are valid files.
Please check and try again.
no_icon = Image file only for member icon.
are valid files.
Please check and try again.
double = Select ONE from File Link or Attach File.
dongury = You can't use smiles more than 50.
Reduce smiles.
no_id = ID does not exist.
Go to Admin's mode and create new ID.
etc = Error! Try again.
voted = You already vote.
pwd_err = Invalid Password.
lock_pwd = Invalid Password.
The writer and admin can only view.
admin_pwd_err = Invalid Admin Password.
haker = Don't even think about hacking!
back_msg = { B A C K }
bad_act = You called wrong function.
not_select = No message selected.
blank_keyword = Search field is empty.
read_mem_info = Fail to load member information.
not_exist_screet_num = Invalid Number.
unlike_email = Email doesn't match with member sign up email.
sel_sopt = Select search list.
over_limit = Search completed.\nNo more search available.
no_same_pwd = Invalid Password. Try again.
select_lock = You selected private message.\n\nThe private message that has not been viewed, this function won't be available.
lock_access = The private message that has not been viewed, this function won't be available.
etc_blank = Please enter your name and simple reply.
blank_etc_pwd = Please enter your password to edit or delete later.
blank_file = File does not exist in server.\n\nPlease check and try again.
wrong_email = Invalid email. Please check and try again.
exist_id = ID is already in use. Try new one.
sel_font_face = Select your font.
blank_sendmail = Please enter the path of sendmail.
blank_smtp = Please enter the path of SMTP.
blank_sub = Please enter your subject.
no_zero = Number of list must be greater than 1.
bad_word = '' (is) are forbidden word(s).
bad_link = Illegal Link blocking is running.
bad_ip = The IP() is in black list.
no_tag = You can only use HTML tag for submitting message.
re_login = Admin cookie was deleted.
Please login again.
re_login_mem = Member cookie was deleted.
Please login again.
err_mem_id = Valid format for ID: alphanumeric and '-','_' only.
reject_login = Member config was setup. This function is not available.
want_logout = You are logged in. Please log out to use this function.
gang = Do not post same messages.
wrong_id = ID doesn't exist.\nPlease sign up.
short_id = ID must be more than 3 letters.
wrong_pwd = Invalid Password.\nPlease check and try again.
no_right = Access denied.
id_err = This ID is already in use.\nTry again.
reject_mem_id = You need to log in.\nPlease log in and try again.
no_data = The message doesn't exist.\n\nThe message that doesn't exist will be deleted from the index.
do_not_sort = Sort option is not enabled.
etc_leng = Maximum Simple reply is byte.
reject_upload = File upload denied.
chk_pre_view = Preview only available when file upload or link file is enabled.
real_name = Real Name Only.\nYou can use as your name.
wrong_mail = Invalid email.
blank_err = Error, please fill the blank(s).
max_data = Maximum data size was reached.\nReply is not available on this message.
screet_num = Invalid Number.\nPlease check and try again.
different_screet_num = Please enter required field.
overlap_join = The numbers you enter is already in use. Please contact admin.
only_number = Numbers Only.
chk_blank = Please enter your name, subject and message to leave an article.
use_mailer = This feature is not available.
bad_screet_num = Oops, this numbers are in black list.\nPlease contact admin.
bad_mail = Oops, the email is in black list.\nPlease contact admin.
bad_id = Oops, this ID is in black list.
bad_url = Oops, this site is in black list.
zero_mailling = Member email was not found.
fail_setup = Setup failed!\n\nPlease check spboard Permission(777),\n\nCheck path.cgi file.
reject_grp = ID : \n\nMember Group: \n\nThis group can't run this function.
reverse_max = Data will be saved in reverse order in Configuration.\n\nSaved data size reached the limit. No more input will be available.\n\nPlease contact admin.
idx_err = Data index was damaged.\n\nSystem is attempting auto recovery.
icon_size = Icon is too big.\n\nIcon size must be max. width is 100px and max height is 18px.
no_admin_id = ID does not exist.
msg_err = Member information does not exist. Send message function is not available.
trans_addr = addr_db.txt has post code and address information.\n\nPost code, address information may vary in other countries.
trans_aud = This file contains voice message.\n\nVoice message software required.
point_err = You have Point(s).\n\nMinimum point(s) for submittion is .\n\nPoint will be added when you view, vote and submit simple reply.\n\nHowever, multi view won't add to your point.
err_grp_id = No group ID selected.
err_spam = Illegal ad blocking is running.
want_login = You need to log in.\n\nPlease log in and try again.
disable_join = We are sorry. We do not accept new members at this time.\nWe apologize for any inconvenience.
err_up_down_file = Top and bottom file does not exist in server.\n\nPlease check and try again.
overlap_theme = Both default theme and group theme are enabled. Please select only one.
just_one = There is only one board and this function won't be available.