sel_font = Font:Arial,Courier,Tahoma,Times New Roman,Verdana sel_size = Size:1(8pt),2(10pt),3(12pt),4(14pt),5(18pt),6(24pt),7(36pt) chg_edit_mode = Modify Edit Mode more_wide = Submit window wide more_narrow = Submit window narrow more_long = Submit Window long more_short = Submit window short sel_color = Select Color bold = Bold italic = Italic underline = Underline align_left = Left align align_center = Center align align_right = Right align outdent = Outdent indent = Indent hr = Horizontal line link = Link input_cmt = Submit reply_cmt = Reply modify_cmt = Edit name = Name email = Email homepage = Website pwd = Password html_ok = Enable HTML auto_link = Auto link auto_br = Auto break subject = Subject option = Option category = Category select_cate = Select Category open_schar = Enable Smile / Special character submit = SUBMIT cancel = CANCEL reply_submit = REPLY mod_submit = EDIT back_list = Back to the main page reply_char = >> reply_gubun = | man_msg = Original message no_open = Private file_upload = Attach file perview_link = Preview screen_shot = Screenshot link_file = Link file etc = etc. max_file_size = Max. file upload MB max_screen_size = Max. screenshot MB del_file = DELETE preview_win = Preview submit special_char = ` ~ ! @ # $ % ^ & * ( ) - +