no_list = Select song m_play = Play rand_ok = Random play err_file = Music and Movie file only for attached file.\nmp3, avi, asf, wma, wmv, asx, asw, mpg, mpeg, mid, wpl are valid file extension. play_music = Play music player_width = Player Width player_height = Player Height player_opt = Play Setting sel_all = Inverse Selected list blank_file = Please upload media file. need_file_filde = Please go to Admin's tool to attach file. title_player = ::: MUSIC PLAYER ::: err_schar = This key is unavailable. err_rb = Right click not allowed. err_cookie = Cookie is disable on browser.\nEnable cookie. reject_msg = Members Only.\n\nPlease log in. m_play = Play song play_sel = Play Selection msg_play_sel = Play selected songs play_all = Play all msg_play_all = Play all songs from board opt_crack = Enable cracking blocker(Recommendation - Disable it when music does not play)