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Table of Contents

1. Introduction

2. Sensors
3. Microwaves
4. Image Analysis
5. Applications

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Fundamentals of Remote Sensing

Chapitre 1. Introduction Section 1.7 Section 2.1


1.8 Endnotes

You have just completed Chapter 1 - Fundamentals of Remote Sensing. You can continue to Chapter 2 - Satellites and Sensors or first browse the CCRS Web site for other articles related to remote sensing fundamentals.

For instance, you may want to look at some conventional or unconventional definitions of "remote sensing" developed by experts and other rif-raf from around the world.

We have an explanation and calculation on just how much you need to worry about the effect of radiation from Canada's first remote sensing satellite: RADARSAT.

The knowledge of how radiation interacts with the atmospheric is used by scientists in the Environmental Monitoring Section of CCRS to develop various "radiation products". Check them out!

Learn more on how various targets like water, rocks, ice, man-made features, and oil slicks interact with microwave energy.

Our Remote Sensing Glossary can help fill out your knowledge of remote sensing fundamentals. Try searching for specific terms of interest or review the terms in the The following link opens a new window "phenomena" category.

Chapter 1.7 Chapter 2.1

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