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Fundamentals of Remote Sensing |
2.12 Land Observation Satellites/SensorsLandsat
Landsat's success is due to several factors, including: a combination of sensors with spectral bands tailored to Earth observation; functional spatial resolution; and good areal coverage (swath width and revisit period). The long lifespan of the program has provided a voluminous archive of Earth resource data facilitating long term monitoring and historical records and research. All Landsat satellites are placed in near-polar, sun-synchronous orbits. The first three satellites (Landsats 1-3) are at altitudes around 900 km and have revisit periods of 18 days while the later satellites are at around 700 km and have revisit periods of 16 days. All Landsat satellites have equator crossing times in the morning to optimize illumination conditions. A number of sensors have been on board the Landsat series of satellites, including the Return Beam Vidicon (RBV) camera systems, the MultiSpectral Scanner (MSS) systems, and the Thematic Mapper (TM). The most popular instrument in the early days of Landsat was the MultiSpectral Scanner (MSS) and later the Thematic Mapper (TM). Each of these sensors collected data over a swath width of 185 km, with a full scene being defined as 185 km x 185 km. The MSS senses the electromagnetic radiation from the Earth's surface in four spectral bands. Each band has a spatial resolution of approximately 60 x 80 metres and a radiometric resolution of 6 bits, or 64 digital numbers. Sensing is accomplished with a line scanning device using an oscillating mirror. Six scan lines are collected simultaneously with each west-to-east sweep of the scanning mirror. The accompanying table outlines the spectral wavelength ranges for the MSS.
MSS Bands
Routine collection of MSS data ceased in 1992, as the use of TM data, starting on Landsat 4, superseded the MSS. The TM sensor provides several improvements over the MSS sensor including: higher spatial and radiometric resolution; finer spectral bands; seven as opposed to four spectral bands; and an increase in the number of detectors per band (16 for the non-thermal channels versus six for MSS). Sixteen scan lines are captured simultaneously for each non-thermal spectral band (four for thermal band), using an oscillating mirror which scans during both the forward (west-to-east) and reverse (east-to-west) sweeps of the scanning mirror. This difference from the MSS increases the dwell time (see section 2.8) and improves the geometric and radiometric integrity of the data. Spatial resolution of TM is 30 m for all but the thermal infrared band which is 120 m. All channels are recorded over a range of 256 digital numbers (8 bits). The accompanying table outlines the spectral resolution of the individual TM bands and some useful applications of each. TM Bands
The SPOT satellites each have twin high resolution visible (HRV) imaging systems, which can be operated independently and simultaneously. Each HRV is capable of sensing either in a high spatial resolution single-channel panchromatic (PLA) mode, or a coarser spatial resolution three-channel multispectral (MLA) mode. Each along-track scanning HRV sensor consists of four linear arrays of detectors: one 6000 element array for the panchromatic mode recording at a spatial resolution of 10 m, and one 3000 element array for each of the three multispectral bands, recording at 20 m spatial resolution. The swath width for both modes is 60 km at nadir. The accompanying table illustrates the spectral characteristics of the two different modes. HRV Mode Spectral Ranges
IRSThe Indian Remote Sensing (IRS) satellite series, combines features from both the Landsat MSS/TM sensors and the SPOT HRV sensor. The third satellite in the series, IRS-1C, launched in December, 1995 has three sensors: a single-channel panchromatic (PAN) high resolution camera, a medium resolution four-channel Linear Imaging Self-scanning Sensor (LISS-III), and a coarse resolution two-channel Wide Field Sensor (WiFS). The accompanying table outlines the specific characteristics of each sensor. IRS Sensors
In addition to its high spatial resolution, the panchromatic sensor can be steered up to 26° across-track, enabling stereoscopic imaging and increased revisit capablilities (as few as five days), similar to SPOT. This high resolution data is useful for urban planning and mapping applications. The four LISS-III multispectral bands are similar to Landsat's TM bands 1 to 4 and are excellent for vegetation discrimination, land-cover mapping, and natural resource planning. The WiFS sensor is similar to NOAA AVHRR bands and the spatial resolution and coverage is useful for regional scale vegetation monitoring. |
MEIS-II and CASIAlthough this tutorial concentrates on satellite-borne sensors, it is worth mentioning a couple of Canadian airborne sensors which have been used for various remote sensing applications, as these systems (and others like them) have influenced the design and development of satellite systems. The first is the MEIS-II (Multispectral Electro-optical Imaging Scanner) sensor developed for the Canada Centre for Remote Sensing. Although no longer active, MEIS was the first operational use of pushbroom, or along-track scanning technology in an airborne platform. The sensor collected 8-bit data (256 digital numbers) in eight spectral bands ranging from 0.39 to 1.1 mm, using linear arrays of 1728 detectors per band. The specific wavelength ranges were selectable, allowing different band combinations to be used for different applications. Stereo imaging from a single flight line was also possible, with channels aimed ahead of and behind nadir, supplementing the other nadir facing sensors. Both the stereo mapping and the selectable band capabilities were useful in research and development which was applied to development of other satellite (and airborne) sensor systems. CASI, the Compact Airborne Spectrographic Imager, is a leader in airborne imaging, being the first commercial imaging spectrometer. This hyperspectral sensor detects a vast array of narrow spectral bands in the visible and infrared wavelengths, using along-track scanning. The spectral range covered by the 288 channels is between 0.4 and 0.9 mm. Each band covers a wavelength range of 0.018 mm. While spatial resolution depends on the altitude of the aircraft, the spectral bands measured and the bandwidths used are all programmable to meet the user's specifications and requirements. Hyperspectral sensors such as this can be important sources of diagnostic information about specific targets' absorption and reflection characteristics, in effect providing a spectral 'fingerprint'. Experimentation with CASI and other airborne imaging spectrometers has helped guide the development of hyperspectral sensor systems for advanced satellite systems. |